Gain a clear understanding of your mineral rights and industry jargon.

Acquire negotiation skills for favorable lease terms and royalty payments.

Maximize the value of your mineral ownership with industry insights.

Fundamentals of Mineral Rights Online Course

Empower yourself with the knowledge to navigate the complex world of mineral rights, lease agreements, royalties, and market trends. This course will provide you with the essential tools to make informed decisions and protect your interests.

Course Curriculum

  1. 1

    Course Introduction and Welcome

    1. (Included in full purchase)
  2. 2

    Chapter 1: Understanding Mineral Rights

    1. (Included in full purchase)
    2. (Included in full purchase)
    3. (Included in full purchase)
  3. 3

    Chapter 2: Oil and Gas Leases

    1. (Included in full purchase)
    2. (Included in full purchase)
    3. (Included in full purchase)
    4. (Included in full purchase)
    5. (Included in full purchase)
  4. 4

    Chapter 3: Managing Mineral Assets

    1. (Included in full purchase)
    2. (Included in full purchase)

Enroll Today

Start your journey to becoming a confident mineral owner.
